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Monday, April 5, 2010

Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass its about learning to DANCE in the RAIN

I have always had this odd passion for rainy days.There is something about the skys being cloudy, the earth lacking sunshine that has always intrigue me. Most of our "RAINY DAYS" seem to be our "HARD" days. Its the days were our heartaches, frustrations and confusion seem to always be really reminded. Something about a gray day doesnt really let you see much light to any situation. Rainy days to me THOUGH,are some of The BEST days! It is a day where reflection and relaxation take place. They are the days I am able to see the real "sunshine" in things and in people. That light is true beauty.They are the days we look back on and realize the lessons we have truly learned and grown from...
Love the rain that falls in our lives
Love the feelings that each storm provides
Start to see each raindrop as the beginging of a beautiful new waterfall.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Journey of a Thousand miles , begins with one step

I've started my very own blog! What inspired, motivated, urged me to do this?.. who knows, but I AM. I've decided to fill these entries with pieces of me, and what makes me happy. I FEEL that i have been so blessed and each day i look at life and wonder why I'm so lucky. Lucky to have an AMAZING family, wonderful friends and great Health. There is so much GREATNESS in this world and in PEOPLE that inspire and lift me. My cup is overflowing with gratitude and joy. There truly are SO MANY BEAUTIFUL REASON I HAVE TO BE HAPPY!